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The Pros and Cons of Using eNPS in Your Employee Feedback Strategy

Elias Axelsson Björklund
Elias works as a Marketing Project Manager at Questback and has worked with marketing in HR and Customer-tech since 2017 after studies from Stockholm University.
2 min read
Employee Experience
The Pros and Cons of Using eNPS in Your Employee Feedback Strategy

Today organisations must listen to their employees’ feedback. One popular method many companies use is the Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS), a metric that measures employee loyalty and engagement. However, like any other tool, there are both benefits and drawbacks associated with using eNPS as part of an overall feedback strategy. This article will provide an overview of the pros and cons you should consider when deciding whether or not to implement this measurement system.

What is eNPS?

Before diving into its pros and cons, let’s briefly explain what eNPS entails. Derived from the Net Promoter Score (a customer satisfaction metric), it evaluates how likely employees are to recommend their company as a place to work on a scale from 0-10. Employees are then categorised into promoters (9-10), passives (7-8) or detractors (0-6). By subtracting the percentage of detractors from promoters, you get your final score ranging between -100% to +100%. Where +100 is best, and -100 is the bottom.

Now that we understand what it is, let’s explore some key aspects related to implementing eNPS:

eNPS Pros

  1. Simplicity – The straightforward nature of gathering data through an easy-to-understand question allows for quick implementation across all organisational levels.
  2. Benchmarking – Comparisons can be made against industry averages, enabling organisations to track progress and compare themselves against competitors.
  3. Regular Monitoring – Unlike annual surveys, which may quickly become outdated due to rapid business environment changes, eNPS can be measured frequently to stay up-to-date with employee sentiment.
  4. Focused Action – By identifying organisational promoters and detractors, companies can better target their improvement efforts to enhance overall employee satisfaction.

eNPS pros and cons

eNPS Cons

  1. Limited Insights – Since eNPS is based on a single question, it may not provide enough information about employees’ specific issues. To overcome this limitation, consider combining it with more in-depth surveys or one open-ended question.
  2. Lack of Context – Employees’ scores might be influenced by factors unrelated to their workplace experience (e.g., personal life events). Consequently, eNPS alone might not accurately represent the company’s performance in creating a positive work environment.
  3. Potential Misinterpretation – Without proper communication and training for managers and leaders interpreting results, they could mistakenly focus only on improving scores instead of addressing underlying problems that led to low ratings.
  4. Incomplete Picture – While understanding how likely employees are to recommend your company as a workplace provides valuable insights into overall satisfaction levels, other aspects like engagement or well-being should also be considered when designing comprehensive feedback strategies.


In conclusion, both advantages and disadvantages are associated with using eNPS as part of your employee feedback strategy. As you weigh these pros and cons while deciding whether incorporating this metric makes sense for your organisation’s unique context, remember that no tool is perfect. Consider combining multiple approaches—such as qualitative interviews and quantitative metrics—to understand your employees’ experiences better. Doing so will ensure smarter decision-making processes rooted in valuable insights from those who matter most—your workforce.


Simplicity – The straightforward nature of gathering data through an easy-to-understand question allows for quick implementation across all organisational levels.

Benchmarking – Comparisons can be made against industry averages, enabling organisations to track progress and compare themselves against competitors.

Regular Monitoring – Unlike annual surveys, which may quickly become outdated due to rapid business environment changes, eNPS can be measured frequently to stay up-to-date with employee sentiment.

Focused Action – By identifying organisational promoters and detractors, companies can better target their improvement efforts to enhance overall employee satisfaction.

Limited Insights – Since eNPS is based on a single question, it may not provide enough information about employees' specific issues. To overcome this limitation, consider combining it with more in-depth surveys or one open-ended question.

Lack of Context – Employees' scores might be influenced by factors unrelated to their workplace experience (e.g., personal life events). Consequently, eNPS alone might not accurately represent the company's performance in creating a positive work environment.

Potential Misinterpretation – Without proper communication and training for managers and leaders interpreting results, they could mistakenly focus only on improving scores instead of addressing underlying problems that led to low ratings.

Incomplete Picture – While understanding how likely employees are to recommend your company as a workplace provides valuable insights into overall satisfaction levels, other aspects like engagement or well-being should also be considered when designing comprehensive feedback strategies.


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