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Why Your Customer Surveys Should Be Mobile-Ready

4 min read
Customer Experience
Why Your Customer Surveys Should Be Mobile-Ready

If You Don’t Consider Mobile, You’re Missing Important Customer Insights

Did you know that 63% of people who own smartphones are regularly using them to buy products and services? It’s no surprise that companies of all kinds are working hard to bring better e-commerce options for customers.

The question is: are you leveraging mobile technology to get better feedback?

Given the way, mobile has changed the way we shop it only makes sense that customer surveys should be designed for mobile devices. You will reach more respondents with mobile-ready surveys that are designed for any smartphone, device or browser.

Why Is Mobile Research So Important Now?

Nearly everyone has a mobile device today. At the point of sale or just after an event, mobile devices provide valuable in-the-moment feedback from customers. You capture their experience while it is still fresh.

Feedback collected at the ‘ah-ha moment’ is 40% more accurate and reliable than an opinion gathered just 24 hours later.

Mobile surveys catch customers in the moment of truth – when they are making a purchase or have attended an event. They provide a window into the true customer experience.

Collecting feedback immediately after a transaction or event, your survey becomes part of the customer’s ongoing conversation with your company.

Out-dated technology designed before the mobile era creates a frustrating experience for recipients resulting in lower response rates. Companies seeking to collect more meaningful and time-critical customer feedback – for example in the travel industry (such as airlines, hotels, and travel booking applications) and beyond – are leveraging mobile apps successfully.

  • Real-time, “in-the-moment” feedback (eg: client just checked into a hotel, ask them a two-question survey on the experience within 10 minutes of completing check-in)
  • Using mobile apps allows for a collection of additional data such as location and environment to add further value to the data.
  • Allows for personalization of survey and ability to quickly engage customers through a platform they already use with quick 1-3 question pulse surveys that are not invasive or require additional steps by the customer.

Surprisingly Stats

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Health Interview Survey, 4 in 10 adults use a cell phone exclusively and have disconnected their landline.

According to a new report from The EconomistIntelligence Unit, the percentage of transactions that take place on a mobile device is expected to grow to 25% in five years.

Mobile device usage is only increasing, which makes capturing in-the-moment feedback easier when your surveys are designed with mobile in mind.

Design for Mobile to Decrease Dropout

A recent Greenbook study found that 19% of all online surveys are taken on a mobile device. But we also know that 50% of surveys are opened on mobile devices.

Experience is everything when it comes to mobile surveys. Poor quality surveys that are not optimized for mobile will cause much higher dropout rates.

Use mobile-first software like QuestBack to design surveys that give respondents the best experience and garner higher completion rates. Then invite customers via SMS or email, or give them a URL or QR code to complete the survey. No matter what device they’re using, they’ll be able to take the survey and provide you with invaluable customer insights.

4 Ways to Get More from Mobile Surveys

Mobile surveys make it easy for you to collect targeted, real-time customer feedback while delivering a positive experience that reflects your brand. And you can do a few extra things to boost the value of the experience for your customer and your business:

  • Embed surveys into existing mobile app environment via HTML
  • Push surveys based on additional factors such as demographics, number of visits, time of day, value of customer
  • Up the engagement level with gamification: integrate a rewards system that allows clients to link with their existing loyalty program to reward completed surveys
  • Post the results on your social profiles to encourage customer engagement, interaction, and loyalty.


If you haven’t considered creating mobile surveys, hopefully, the data above convinced you. With the ubiquity of smart phones today, it would be crazy not to have a mobile strategy for feedback collection.

The fact alone, that over 70% of smartphone users purchasing online on a weekly basis, should encourage you to work the mobile advantage when it comes to understanding customer experience. Without responsive or mobile-friendly surveys, you will be losing insights and opportunities to improve.

So, what do you think about mobile surveys?

Meet us over on LinkedIn to share questions, comments or feedback on this post! 

P.S. To learn about how Questback’s in-app mobile surveys can work for your business contact your Questback representative today.

Read more about Customer Satisfaction Surveys.

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