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Top 10 Questions for Your 360 Feedback Survey

Elias Axelsson Björklund
Elias Axelsson Björklund
Elias works as a Marketing Project Manager at Questback and has worked with marketing in HR and Customer-tech since 2017 after studies from Stockholm University.
3 min read
Employee Experience
Top 10 Questions for Your 360 Feedback Survey

In the dynamic arena of today’s business world, where rivals lurk around every corner, organisations must embrace a perpetual state of metamorphosis, ensuring they soar above the rest.

A well-designed 360 feedback survey can provide valuable insights into employee strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth. This article will explore the top ten questions you should consider in your following survey to ensure a thorough feedback analysis and effective performance evaluation.

Key Components of a Successful 360 Feedback Survey

Before diving into our list of essential questions, it’s important to understand what makes an effective survey. The following components are vital:

  • Clear objectives
  • Relevant topics tailored to your organisation’s needs
  • Well-crafted questions that promote honest responses
  • User-friendly design that encourages participation

Now let’s dive into our list of top ten questions:

Question #1 – Communication Skills

How effectively does [employee name] communicate with colleagues at all levels?

This question assesses an individual’s ability to convey information clearly and professionally while fostering positive working relationships.

Question #2 – Collaboration & Teamwork

How well does [employee name] work collaboratively with others on team projects?

Teamwork is crucial in any organisation; this question measures how successfully employees contribute within their teams.

Question #3 – Problem Solving & Decision Making

Can [employee name] identify problems quickly and make sound decisions under pressure?

Evaluating problem-solving skills helps determine whether an employee can think critically when faced with challenges.

Question #4 – Adaptability & Flexibility

Is [employee name] open-minded towards change? Can they adapt quickly when required?

Adaptability is key in a rapidly evolving work environment. This question evaluates how well employees can pivot when needed.

Question #5 – Leadership & Management

How effectively does [employee name] lead and manage their team, if applicable?

For those in leadership positions, this question assesses management capabilities and the ability to motivate others.

Key Components of a Successful 360 Feedback Survey

Question #6 – Goal Setting & Achievement

Does [employee name] set realistic goals for themselves? Do they consistently achieve these goals?

Goal setting is crucial for personal growth; this question measures an employee’s ambition and follow-through on objectives.

Question #7 – Time Management & Organization

How efficiently does [employee name] manage their time and prioritise tasks?

Practical and effective time management skills contribute to overall productivity. This question evaluates organisational abilities.

Question #8 – Technical Skills

Is [employee name] proficient in using relevant tools or software required for their role?

Technical competence is essential in many roles; this question gauges employees’ aptitude with necessary technologies.

Question #9 – Creativity & Innovation

Does [employee name] think creatively when solving problems or developing new ideas?

Innovation drives progress, making it important to evaluate an employee’s creative thinking abilities.

Question #10 – Professional Development

Is [employee_name] committed to continuous learning and self-improvement?

This final question addresses the individual’s dedication towards professional development, which contributes significantly to long-term success within your organisation.

By incorporating these top ten questions into your 360 feedback survey, you can gather comprehensive insights that support effective performance evaluation processes. Partnering with Questback ensures access to our leading platform for Employee Experience surveys, providing user-friendly solutions tailored specifically for your needs – including feedback analysis capabilities beyond operational data. Make smarter decisions today by harnessing the power of Questback’s experience management solutions!


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